Have you stumbled upon a tiny 1/50 oz Australian Gold Reserve bar? If so, you might be holding a piece of Australian bullion history! These unique bars, the first of their kind in this size, boast a fascinating tale of a visionary stacker, international collaboration, and a revered community member.
These unique bars, likely the first of their kind in this size, boast a fascinating origin story fueled by passionate collectors.
Ozcopper: The Stacking Trailblazer
Seasoned stackers on Silverstackers.com (a veteran online hub for precious metal enthusiasts) likely recognize the name Ozcopper. This legendary figure, once an admin of the platform, is the mastermind behind these bars. Back in 2011, he foresaw a demand for smaller, more attainable gold investments in fractional amounts. However, no Australian manufacturer offered such small bars.
American Ingenuity Meets Aussie Vision
To turn his dream into reality, Ozcopper joined forces with the Canadian Gold Alliance, an American company known for their innovative fractional gold bars measured in grains (even smaller than a troy ounce). With a touch of clever conversion, they transformed these grains into the very first 1/50 oz troy weight gold bars ever produced. Now Texas Gold Reserve uses very similar design for its 1/50 oz bars.
Maggie Bullion: A Lasting Impact
But the story goes deeper. Maggie (Cheryl Holt) from Maggie Bullion, a highly respected member and stacker herself, played a vital role. Remembered today through the prestigious “THE MAGGIE BULLION AWARD” annually presented at the Gold Symposium, Maggie’s legacy is one of supporting reputable bullion businesses like Gold Stackers, ABC Bullion, and Bullion Now. Her contribution most likely involved creating attractive packaging for this limited-edition release.
A Treasure Trove of 100
With a total mintage of only 100 pieces, split equally between black and white packaging, these bars vanished quickly. Owning one is akin to holding a precious snippet of Australian bullion history – a testament to the collaborative spirit and vision within the community. These Aussie Gold Reserve bars are easily identified by the inscription “AGR” prominently displayed between the detailed map of Australia and the marking indicating the weight (1/50 oz) and purity ( Fine Gold 999) etched just below it.
This story exemplifies the dedication and innovation driving the Australian bullion stacking community scene. If you’re lucky enough to possess one of these rare 1/50 oz Australian Gold Reserve bars, consider yourself a guardian of a unique historical treasure!